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What Is An Empath? Here are 10 Signs That You Might Be One.

Empaths are people who feel what others feel at a deep emotional level. They can sense when someone else is feeling sad, happy, or angry just by their emotions alone. They will react in kind to those feelings without thinking about it too much because they’re so attuned to humanity.

Some people believe true empaths exist, while others think we are too sensitive. There is a big difference, I feel. Having empathy and being sensitive is part of it, but there is more. Empaths internalize what they think. We must decompress and take care not to let the outer world take over.

As an empath, I know that sometimes life feels hard, but don’t worry! There are plenty more like us, ready for whatever comes next on this ride we call “life.”

Dr. Judith Orloff, a pioneering doctor in her field, has a book called “The Empath’s Survival Guide.” It suggests life strategies for highly tuned beings. Dr. Orloff explains that empaths lack the filters most others use to protect themselves from excess stimulation and absorb every surrounding emotion until they feel overwhelmed.

I have found that taking time for myself is essential. Even a 30-minute walk or a brief meditation brings me back to my old self.

Ten signs that you may be an empath

1. You have good intuition.

If you are an empath, your intuition often lets you know whether someone is being truthful or not. Empaths can pick up on subtle cues that provide insight into the thoughts of others. Having those cues helps you understand how your partner feels about something without ever being told so directly by themselves!

However, I find that I question my intuition by forcing logic into the equation. For example, I might get a negative vibe from somebody and ignore it. I think that maybe I am being too “judgmental” or imagining something that is not there. Well, nine times out of 10, I am usually right. It takes a while to trust your gut. The more you pay attention to the internal cues (sometimes it is the gut/ belly!), the more you will know what you know is true.

2. You do not like crowded places.

Empaths are always on their toes and sensitive to the mood of those around them. If you feel uncomfortable in crowds, you may absorb others’ emotions without realizing it. You could become overwhelmed or physically unwell when picking up on negative emotions, energy, or even physical distress from people around you. As a result, you may feel most comfortable on your own or in the company of just a few people at a time.

I do not like crowds! I can tolerate them once in a while. I get physically and emotionally drained when exposed to larger groups of people. I never realized this until I learned about my empathic tendencies. If you dislike crowds, you may be absorbing the emotions around you. However, many people dislike crowds for other reasons. For me, I believe it is due to overwhelming energy.

3. People like to share their problems with you.

Empathy can be a remarkable trait but could lead to problems if not harnessed correctly. Sensitive people often have an easier time listening and giving support when their loved ones are having difficulty in life.
However, caring about others sometimes makes us unable or unwilling to tell them how we feel overwhelmed.

I am a therapist, so I can naturally handle this one. Intensive listening can throw you off if you are not in the mental health field and do not want to deal with others’ problems. Family is one thing. We want to be there as best we can. However, strangers may gravitate to you subconsciously if you are an empath. Why? Not sure, but trust me, it happens.

4. You feel comfortable outdoors and in nature.

Empaths have intimate communion with nature, including the Earth and its inhabitants. Being out in nature resets us. We can take in all of the beauty without being slapped with other people’s issues from all directions. The serenity feels so cleansing. I signed up for a “forest bathing” practice that was so amazing!!! I recommend this for not just empaths but everyone!

Nature rejuvenates us on countless levels, but for empaths, there’s a sense of wholeness, of being “home.” A serene environment allows us to do whatever we want without consuming others’ energies. Many empaths prefer walking or hiking to get their exercise as opposed to a crowded gym. I know I do!

5. You don’t like conflict.

Empaths often feel the pain of others more deeply than they would like. Our internal senses can make it challenging to deal with conflict. As a result, empaths often find themselves dreading or actively avoiding conflict. They may be more sensitive to the hurtfulness of others’ comments and take them personally, even if it’s not meant that way at all.
Higher sensitivity can make someone else hurting your feelings much harder on you because they will always seem sharper in comparison — as though there was no empathy whatsoever involved with what was said/done beforehand.

I had a tough time when I was raising teenage girls with my second husband. There were many conflicts between one of my daughters and my husband. The emotions were strong, and I was in the middle. Not a good place for a sensitive empath/ mama-bear! How did I handle this? Ugh. I will save that one for another article about stepfamilies!

6. You have a hard time not caring.

It took me a while to get to the point of saying, “it’s not my problem.” Very often, empaths take on the world’s issues and problems. Don’t get me wrong. We need caring in this world. I’m talking about the obsessive concern that takes over. When the problem is not something you have control over, let it go. I received some excellent advice. Say, “This is not mine,” while wiping the imaginary dust off your arms.

7. You are highly sensitive to sounds, smells, or sensations.

Empaths are often said to be more sensitive than most people, but it’s not just their emotions that affect them. They also react very strongly in many different ways when exposed to the world around them and can find themselves overwhelmed at times with all of these new feelings constantly everywhere they look or touch!

You are more sensitive to fragrances and odors, jarring sounds, or sensations like physical pain. You enjoy listening at low volumes while reading is not your cup of tea because it jars with you emotionally every time there’s a loud noise which can be distracting when trying to get work done efficiently in some instances.

8. You crave solitude.

Empaths need regular alone time and mini-breaks throughout the day to refocus and recharge themselves. It’s not just about being alone — it is essential for self-preservation and caring about yourself.
A major struggle in life can be finding peace when surrounded by other people’s sounds or various stimuli. Some empaths only required a bit of alone time. At the same time, others may need a whole day away from it all. I usually can recharge myself with an hour or two.

9. You often feel like you don’t fit in.

Empaths often struggle to fit in because their feelings of not belonging are what drives them. It’s a way for the empath to keep from becoming too comfortable with themselves and others around them, leading to an even worse state.

Empaths enjoy moving forward and experiencing new things. Their moral compass is typically more substantial than most other people. What’s stopping them from achieving a sense of belonging stems from society. Society’s way of dictating how everyone should think, dress, act, or receive their education usually clashes with the empath’s uniqueness.

They notice every lie and manipulation imposed on them. The empath knows that society can be misaligned! This is why it is so hard to feel ‘right’ in a community where nothing seems right, and everything is wrong.

I keep going by understanding that it doesn’t matter if you don’t feel like you belong in the outside world as long as you belong to yourself and are true to your needs.

10. You have a hard time setting boundaries.

A non-empathic person has an innate sense of boundaries. “This is me, and everything else is not me.” But empaths don’t have built-in limitations. Empaths feel other people’s needs, pains, and desires.

Since empaths feel what others need and how much pain they are in, it’s challenging to say no. It requires us to be very honest about when we think of a “yes” or a “no” in our lives. Watching for resentfulness is a great way to tell when you feel you need to say no. Resentment is the red flag that lets you know when there is an energy imbalance, where you give more to a situation than you are getting back.

Here are some tips for setting up your boundaries

  • Write a list of things that cause you to feel resentful. Include every relationship and every aspect of your work, social life, and home responsibilities.
  • Analyze areas where you can develop strategies and boundaries for yourself. Be honest. Be a little bit selfish, and it’s ok.
  • Then renegotiate your commitments, like stepping down from the different committees you are on, speaking to your supervisor at work about responsibilities, or getting some help at home.
  • I have learned to say, “I need to check my calendar. Let me get back in touch with you tomorrow” when someone asks for my time. This way, I can reflect on whether or not it is a good idea to commit to the person asking for help. I think about what would best serve both of us before saying yes.

Final words about empaths

I am grateful to be an empath. I believe it gives me greater awareness and the ability to see and understand others more clearly. I know my limits and try to give back to myself. If you are an empath, learn what works best for you. Find your bliss. Discover your inner voice. And remember, it’s ok to say “no” sometimes!


Judith Orloff MD | Empath Support, Intuition, Emotions & Energy Healing

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